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About RtFNWatch

The Watch is the product of a collaborative effort by the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium, which currently comprises 22 civil society organizations and social movements. Since 2013, the Watch has also become the most prominent monitoring tool of the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition. The Watch provides space for its members to narrate the struggles and challenges faced on the ground, as well as to showcase their achievements, demands, proposals and visions for the realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition, and food sovereignty. The Watch Consortium and the Global Network are closely linked, since the majority of their members participate in both.

What makes the Watch unique is its commitment to capturing and reflecting the experiences and perspectives of a wide range of actors, namely academics, policymakers, human rights experts, as well as civil society and social movements representing rights-holders, including peasants, fisherfolks, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, rural women, and food and agricultural workers. Past contributors have included the World Alliance of Mobile and Indigenous Peoples (WAMIP), La Via Campesina (LVC), FIAN International, the African Network on the Right to Food (ANoRF/RAPDA), the Inter-American Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development (PIDHDD), as well as former UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Food Jean Ziegler and Olivier De Schutter.

Between 2008 and 2015, the Watch has included articles on the right to food situation in more than 40 countries worldwide, and articles on key processes and issues at global levels, such as climate justice, land grabbing or the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2).

The 2008-2015 issues of the Watch are available in English, Spanish and French. The Watch 2015 was also available in Portuguese for the first time.