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Anti-discrimination law

The Belgian anti racism law – July 30th 1981 [amended in 10th may 2007]

  • Protects minorities

Collective Labor Agreement – 7th May 1996

  • Prevent racial discrimination against immigrant workers.

Law combating Discrimination – 25th Feb 2003

  • Prohibits discrimination based on race.

Equal treatment I employment and professional training.

Implementation of the principle of equal treatment:

  • Prohibits direct and indirect discrimination based on race and ethnic origins,

The Gender Law: prohibits discrimination based on sex, including discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, and sex change.

European Anti discrimination law

Belgian Anti Discrimination law: 2007

  • Includes trans people.
  • Age, sexual orientation, civil status, birth, wealth, faith or personal belief, political orientation, language, current or future health status, handicap, physical or genetic disorder, social origin.
  • Extends to public and private like under the Racism and Gender Laws

Constitution 2007

Law aiming at punishing certain acts inspired by racism and xenophobia (1981, amended 2007)
