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Existence of multiactor bodies governing or decision making bodies for food policy at national, subnational and/or local level with diverse participation of civil society organizations

1. Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency (BPOM)

BPOM is an institution in Indonesia that oversees the distribution of medicines and food in Indonesia. BPOM's main responsibilities are to conduct assessments and formulate national policies in the areas of drug and food supervision. BPOM is also tasked with the implementation of specific policies in the field of food and drugs supervisions. BPOM priorities are to have an effective and efficient drug and food control system in order to protect consumer security and health in Indonesia and overseas. [1]

The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NA-DFC)

The main functions of the NA-DFC are the assessment and organization of national policy in food and drug evaluation field, the implementation of a specific policy in food and drug evaluation field, coordination of functional activities in the implementing of NA-DFC duties, monitoring and providing guidance and development on the activities of the government agencies in food and drug evaluation field.


B) Food Security Agency, Ministry of Agriculture


2. Directorate General of Standardization and Consumer Protectio- Ministry of Trade (DJSPK)

The main job of the DJSPK is to formulate and implement policy in the field of standardization and consumer protection, as well as to develop guidelines, norms, standards, procedures and criteria in the field of standardization and consumer protection.


3. The Bureau of Logistics (BULOG) is a government-owned company in Indonesia which deals with food distribution and price control.


Government of Indonesia has issued Presidential Regulation No 42/2013 concerning National Movement on Nutrition Improvement Acceleration. This regulation is a part of National Movement Nutrition Awareness and the Global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement which has the main focus on : 1) increasing the commitment of the stakeholders to give protection and fulfillment of the community nutrition; 2) improvement of the nutrition program management through developing sectoral coordination; 3) strengthening the direct and indirect nutrition programs. Considering that the magnitude of nutrition problems has widespread and multidimensional effects, for that reason, to enhance the implementation of this regulation Coordinating Ministry of People’s Welfare will take the lead as stipulated by this regulation.[2]




