Food security policy
National Poverty Reduction Strategy II, 2012-2016 [1] [2]
Goals, objectives or targets related to nutrition:
Pillar II – Promoting integrated and sustainable economic growth
Objective: Promote the development of the primary sector as a factor for increasing national production, creating employment, and relaunching the economic sector;
8.1.5. Program: Guaranteeing food security
Pillar III – Developing human capital and improving basic social services
Objective: Guarantee by 2016 that 100 percent of the population has access to quality basic health services.
9.2.1. Program: Equitable access to and use of healthcare and viability of the healthcare system
Pillar IV – Strengthening social cohesion and protection
Chronic malnutrition rate among children under 5. Base levels: 8.5. Target 2016: 3