Is there a national food security policy with implementation/action?
YES, in 2010, the executive branch approved a National Food and Nutrition Security Strategy and Policy[1]. In 2011, the legislature approved a Food and Nutrition Security Framework Law[2].
These plan are part of a greater “country vision 2010-2038” plan
National Health Plan identifies areas of urgent and necessary change:
-Accelerated increase in access to quality health services
-Increased well-being and health of the majority of the population through the reduction of maternal and child mortality
-Modification of the structure, functioning and response of the current health system
-Incremental decrease in malnutrition rates in children un 5 years old
[1] Executive decree n° PCM-038-2010, August 24th, 2010
[2] Legislative decree n° 25-2011, July 2011