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The World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers (WFF)

The World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers (WFF) is an international network of small scale fisher organizations to establish and uphold the fundamental human rights, social justice and culture of artisanal /small scale fish harvesters and fish workers; reaffirming the sea as source of all life and committing ourselves to sustain fisheries and aquatic resources for the present and future generations.

WFF seeks to influence policy and ensure meaningful participation of small-scale fisheries people in the decision-making processes that directly affect their lives. WFF to date brings together 41 organizations from 5 continents around the globe. Our Vision is to see a world, in which the voices of small-scale fishers are heard, their rights recognized and respected, and their livelihoods guaranteed.

Our mission is to empower small-scale fishers’ organizations to influence both national and international policies that affect their rights of access, use and control, and sustainability of the fisheries resources for improved livelihoods.