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Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2011

Claiming Human Rights. The Accountability Challenge

Accountability is currently the most pressing challenge in the struggle for the right to food and nutrition. Without a clear accountability mechanism, declarations of political will to fight hunger and malnutrition remain ineffective.

Human rights and states' obligations are two sides of the same coin: without accountability, there can be no enforcement of human rights principles and consequently, human rights are not realized. Even worse: it is the lack of accountability that allows for the impunity of human rights violations, resulting in violations occurring over and over again. The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2011 has a clear message: there is an urgent need to strengthen right to adequate food accountability at local, national, regional and global levels. The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch intends to monitor food security and nutrition policies from a human rights perspective, to detect and document violations and situations that increase the likelihood of violations, as well as the non implementation of human rights obligations and policy failures. The WATCHprovides a platform for human rights experts, civil society activists, social movements, the media, and scholars to exchange experiences on how best to carry out right to food work, including lobbying and advocacy.