Non discrimination
Signatory of the Amsterdam agreement
Chapter 4 Act 286 of the 1998 act: regarding the equal treatment of immigrants
1970 Workers act detailed regulation against discrimination based on work
Article 3 of the 1948 constitution which established that all citizens have equal social standing and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex race, language religion, political opinion, or social and personal conditions.
People’s Sovereignty over natural resources
- All species can be privatized
- The privatized varieties can be used to breed new ones
- Local seeds can be privatized if discovered
Privatized seeds:
- Can’t harvest and sow them again
- Can’t give them as a gift
- Can be fined upon infringement
- Fungicides and Bactericides:32292
- Herbicides:7690
- Insecticides: 8713
- Large decrease in fungicide use since the early 2000s.
Political Participation for the Right to Food
Participation is one of the fundamental human rights principles, requiring that everyone has the right to participate in making decisions that affect them. In order to ensure that those most affected by violations to the right to food and nutrition participate in political processes, it is essential to have the legal and policy infrastructure within national frameworks, as well as the participatory spaces that give meaningful space for participation.
Legal Recognition of the Right to Food and Nutrition
Is Right to Food recognized in the legal system Read moreThere is an implicit protection of the right to food
Constitutional Recognitions of the right to adequate food:
Article 36“Workers have the right to a remuneration commensurate to the quantity and quality of their work and in any case such as to ensure them and their families a free and dignified existence.”
Article 38“Every citizen unable to work and without the necessary means of subsistence is entitled to welfare support. Workers have the right to be assured adequate means for their needs and necessities in the case of accidents, illness, disability, old age and involuntary unemployment.”
National Food Security Policy
Is there a national food security policy with implementation/action? Read moreNo