• Non discrimination

    • LGBTQ – no legal protection (sodomy laws = bestiality), no recognition as couples

      23. [Protection from discrimination on the ground of race,etc.]

      (1) Subject to clauses (4), (5) and (7), no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect.

      (2) Subject to clauses (6), (7) and (8), no person shall be treated in a discriminatory manner by any person acting by virtue of any written law or in the performance of the functions of any public office or any public authority.

      (3) In this Article the expression "discriminatory" mean, affording different treatment to different persons attributable, wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, tribe, sex, place of origin, marital status, political opinions colour or creed whereby persons of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advantages which are not accorded to persons of another such description.

  • Outcomes

    • 40%

    • 6.3

    • 1960: 82% 

      2015: 59%

    • Married by 15: 6%

      Married by 18: 31%

  • People’s Sovereignty over natural resources

      • Farmers may keep own seeds: Yes
      • Farmers may exchange own seeds or give them as a gift: on his/her own farm
      • Farmers may sell own seeds: on his/her own farm
      • Farmers can only buy certified, registered or catalogued seeds: yes
      • Upon (suspected) infrigment seed can be seized: yes
      • Upon infrigment farmer can be fined: yes
      • Upon infrigment farmer can go to jail: yes
      • Fungicides and Bactericides: 328
      • Herbicides: 250
      • Insecticides: 476
  • Political Participation for the Right to Food

    Participation is one of the fundamental human rights principles, requiring that everyone has the right to participate in making decisions that affect them. In order to ensure that those most affected by violations to the right to food and nutrition participate in political processes, it is essential to have the legal and policy infrastructure within national frameworks, as well as the participatory spaces that give meaningful space for participation.

    • The Constitution of the Republic of Zambia has directive principles that contribute to the realization of the right to adequate food.

      Directive principles of state policy

      Article 112: “The following Directives shall be the Principles of State Policy for the purposes of this Part:
      (c) the State shall endeavour to create conditions under which all citizens shall be able to secure adequate means of livelihood and opportunity to obtain employment;
      (f) the State shall endeavour to provide to persons with disabilities, the aged and other disadvantaged persons such social benefits and amenities as are suitable to their needs and are just and equitable.”

      • National Agriculture Investment Plan
      • Food and Nutrition Security Programme. Government will explore social protection instruments in partnership with private sector and civil society. [1]
      • Action plan: yes
      • Budget for implementation: yes
      • Legal basis for implementation: government endorsed


    • National actors

      - Private sector investment

      - Local governments (provincial and district levels) will offer investors in all the Investment Programmes incentives for identified ventures that are socially and environmentally sustainable.

      - Central government will provide advice to districts and communities on PPP arrangements/modalities. Government will identify and support aspects of proposed local infrastructure development plans that may encourage private investment.

      - Communities, community groups, community based institutions participate in negotiating terms, conditions and concessions for investments to ensure community concerns are addressed

      Zambia National Agriculture Investment Plan  (NAIP) 2014-2018


      International Actors

      - African-led Program: Comprehensive Africa Development Programme

      - USAID Feed the Future Initiative: Mawa (Zambia Economic Resilience for Improved Food Security), Zambia Agricultural Research and Development Program and Better Life Alliance

      - UNICEF & DFID: Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) [1]

      - World bank: Zambia Female Youths Livelihood and Nutrition Enhancement Project [2]


