• Non discrimination

    • The Belgian anti racism law - July 30th 1981 [amended in 10th may 2007]

      • Protects minorities

      Collective Labor Agreement - 7th May 1996

      • Prevent racial discrimination against immigrant workers.

      Law combating Discrimination - 25th Feb 2003

      • Prohibits discrimination based on race.

      Equal treatment I employment and professional training.

      Implementation of the principle of equal treatment:

      • Prohibits direct and indirect discrimination based on race and ethnic origins,

      The Gender Law: prohibits discrimination based on sex, including discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, and sex change.

      European Anti discrimination law

      Belgian Anti Discrimination law: 2007

      • Includes trans people.
      • Age, sexual orientation, civil status, birth, wealth, faith or personal belief, political orientation, language, current or future health status, handicap, physical or genetic disorder, social origin.
      • Extends to public and private like under the Racism and Gender Laws

      Constitution 2007

      Law aiming at punishing certain acts inspired by racism and xenophobia (1981, amended 2007)

  • Outcomes

    • 2%

  • People’s Sovereignty over natural resources

    • For Privatized seeds:

      • Can’t gift the seeds
      • Can’t harvest and sell them
      • Upon infringement seeds can be seized or destroyed, even if its suspected.
      • Upon infringement, farmers can be fined

      - Local seed may be privatized if “discovered”

      - Privatization extends to similar pre existing varieties.


    • For Privatized seeds:

      • Can’t gift the seeds
      • Can’t harvest and sell them
      • Upon infringement seeds can be seized or destroyed, even if its suspected.
      • Upon infringement, farmers can be fined

      - Local seed may be privatized if “discovered”

      - Privatization extends to similar pre existing varieties.


      • Fungicides and Bactericides: 2490.20
      • Herbicides: 2500.80
      • Insecticides: 620.20

      There has been a steep drop in the use of herbicides from 2005 [5556] by around half. The rest have stayed moderately stable.


  • Political Participation for the Right to Food

    Participation is one of the fundamental human rights principles, requiring that everyone has the right to participate in making decisions that affect them. In order to ensure that those most affected by violations to the right to food and nutrition participate in political processes, it is essential to have the legal and policy infrastructure within national frameworks, as well as the participatory spaces that give meaningful space for participation.

    • Implicit protection of the right to adequate food

      Article 23 : « Chacun a le droit de mener une vie conforme à la dignité humaine. A cette fin, la loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent, en tenant compte des obligations correspondantes, les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, et déterminent les conditions de leur exercice. Ces droits comprennent notamment: 
      1° le droit au travail et au libre choix d'une activité professionnelle dans le cadre d'une politique générale de l'emploi, visant entre autres à assurer un niveau d'emploi aussi stable et élevé que possible, le droit à des conditions de travail et à une rémunération équitables, ainsi que le droit d'information, de consultation et de négociation collective; 
      2° le droit à la sécurité sociale, à la protection de la santé et à l'aide sociale, médicale et juridique; 
      3° le droit à un logement décent; 
      4° le droit à la protection d'un environnement sain; »

      Recently, the new Regional agricultural Code explicitly recognized the Right to food in its 1st article, §3, published the 5th of June 2014:   

      § 3. Pour ce faire, la Région wallonne mène, aux bénéfices de tous les citoyens et de tous les agriculteurs, une politique agricole qui a pour objectifs de :

      1° favoriser la réalisation du droit à une alimentation adéquate en garantissant un approvisionnement en aliments de qualité et en quantité suffisante pour répondre, par une production agricole durable, aux besoins alimentaires de la population locale présente et à venir;


    • A proposal of law has been proposed by opposition in 2014: “Proposition de loi-cadre instaurant l’obligation d’une mise en œuvre effective du droit à l’alimentation par la Belgique » (draft framework law establishing the obligation of effective implementation of the right to food by Belgium")  but it hasn't been approved.