• Non discrimination

    • Anti Discrimination Law [6th Nov 2001]

      This law offers protection for persons who are discriminated on the basis of:

      • Sex
      • Family situation
      • Ethnicity/ Race
      • Physical appearance
      • Surname
      • Sexual orientation
      • Age
      • Disabilities
      • Gender
      • Nationality

      - Following in line with the EU Council directive 2000/78/EC of 27th November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation.


      French equal Opportunities and Anti discrimination commission (In French, Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l'égalité or HALDE)


  • Outcomes

    • 20%

  • People’s Sovereignty over natural resources

    • - GMO varieties of seeds in general are banned based on health codes.

      - Farmer own seeds:

      • Farmer can keep their own seeds
      • Can exchange their seeds as a gift.. with restrictions
      • They cant sell their own seeds
      • Farmers can buy and use what they want except GMOs
      • Farmers can buy and use seeds that are sold for nonprofessional uses.


      - If rules are infringed: 

      • Seeds can be seized only for unauthorized GMO
      • Seeds can be destroyed for unauthorized GMO
      • Harvest can be seized only if its unauthorized GMO
      • Harvested product can be seized only if its GMO
      • They can be fined at the level of the seed seller and at the level fo the farmer.. if they uses PVP protected varieties without paying loyalties.
    • Privatisation of seeds:

      • All species including wild ones can be privatized → under PVP: cultivated species, and under patent law→ if the genetic characteristics is patented all plants containing that gene including wild species.
      • These varieties can be used to breed new ones.
      • Local seeds may be privatized if discovered if it’s under the PVP
      • Can harvest privatized seeds and sow them again for 34 varieties with royalties
      • Can’t gift privatized seeds
      • Fungicides and Bactericides: 30227.20
      • Herbicides: 27833.60
      • Insecticides: 3318.20

      There was an increased use of fungicide in the late 90s, but drastically decreased after that.


  • Political Participation for the Right to Food

    Participation is one of the fundamental human rights principles, requiring that everyone has the right to participate in making decisions that affect them. In order to ensure that those most affected by violations to the right to food and nutrition participate in political processes, it is essential to have the legal and policy infrastructure within national frameworks, as well as the participatory spaces that give meaningful space for participation.

    • RTFN is not explicitly protected in the French Constitution. Article 55 of the Constitution gives equal value to international treaties as to the Constitution. French laws should therefore recognize, respect and implement the RtFN. However, the two supreme courts deny article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights any direct effect, that is to say, one cannot invoke the Covenant to claim a violation of the RtFN, It seems this situation will last until the Parliament passes a law, either explicitly recognising the RtFN either reversing this case law and acknowledging the Covenant's direct effect, This would make way for further legal action and norms to uphold and implement the RtFN,

      No implicit or explicit mention of right to food but, has the National Status of International Obligations

      Article 55: “Treaties or agreements duly ratified or approved shall, upon publication, prevail over Acts of Parliament, subject, with respect to each agreement or treaty, to its application by the other party.”

      Article 25 Everyone has the right to s standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself of his amily including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemplorment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood beyond his control.

    • Draft law with aim to promote territorial anchoring of food (short food channels, local seasonal food, organic food in public institutions like schools), November 2015. 

      “In addition, the agricultural and agrifood sector will benefit from a special budget of €120 million in the form of subsidies during the period 2015 to 2017 to encourage technological innovation and investment forming part of the future strategies of these sectors. At the same time, a call for projects backed by €20 million to create new food products adapted for special diets (senior citizens, children, athletes, etc.) will be launched in early 2015. This is one of the five priorities of the agrifood industrial initiative in the scope of the 34 sector-based initiatives 

      Public Policy for food [27th July 2010]: defined in the national food plan

      • Long term political strategy
      • Comprehensive vision of food
      • Government project involving all relevant actors of food policy [ministries, local government, public institutes and agencies, and all private or associative actors]
      • Key ideas: “assures access for all to affordable food that is safe, diverse, in sufficient quantity, of goof nutritional quality, tasty, obtained in sustainable conditions” [There is a focus on health and prevention of obesity in trying to achieve food security.]

      National Food Plan→ there is a mention of food security in their plan, with a mindfulness to the environment. No mention of producers. Four Working areas include:

      • Facilitate access for all to quality food
      • Enhance the quality of the food supply
      • Improve knowledge and information on food
      • Preserve and promote the French gastronomic and culinary heritage.

      Smaller Side projects organised by the government:

      - Agroecology project pioneered by the Ministry of Agriculture

      - Food Sanitary Safety in France:


      • Creation of regional policies
      • Proposal to encourage local initiatives
      • Strengthening of National food council

      - Food Policy

      • Regional Roots: focus on local agricultural communities.
      • Social Justice
      • Dietary education for younger people
      • Combating Food waste

      - The Seed and Sustainable Agricultural Plan [Launched in December 2015- Version 2 will be out early 2016]:

      • Make selective plant breeding central to public policies;
      • Encourage production of knowledge to serve innovation in plant genetics and its use in agriculture;
      • Promote genetic diversity and structure networks for conservation of plant genetic resources; adjust the criteria for inclusion of varieties in the official catalogue, especially those suitable for organic agriculture or resistant to pests;
      • Develop innovative processes for data generation and analysis (notably networks for trials matched to the diversity of production conditions and climate change);
      • Add value to and disseminate data on varieties, making the official catalogue a tool for the promotion of genetic progress


      National Information can be found here:



    • Le Conseil National de l’Alimentation (CNA) or National Food Council 

      The CNA is an independent advisory body, placed with the ministries responsible for agriculture, consumer affairs and health. It is consulted on the definition of food policy and testing of the attention of public decision-makers and the different actors within the food system on issues such as food quality, consumer information, nutrition, health, access to food, and crisis prevention.