
The Struggle for Peoples’ Free Seeds in Latin America

Experiences from Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras and Guatemala more

This article discusses ongoing struggles in the region with regards to seed sovereignty. It reveals that civil society in Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, and Guatemala is combining resistance to GMOs and industrial certified seeds with legal strategies to protect peasants' seed rights and associated traditional knowledge.



  • Non discrimination

    • -Lack of harmonization of anti-discrimination laws

      -Have signed many international agreements guaranteeing rights (Ex. CEDAW), but have done little to implement them at national levelàneed for harmonization of international standards with domestic legislation

      -No prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

      -Significant amount of social discrimination against women, indigenous populations, the LGBT community


  • Outcomes

    • 47%

    • 4.8/10

    • 1960: 69%

      2015: 48%

    • 7% by age 15; 30% by age 18 (ENSMI 2008/2009)

  • People’s Sovereignty over natural resources

    •  -Farmers may keep, exchange, or gift (but not sell) own seeds

    • -Farmers may not harvest and re-sow / gift / exchange / sell privatized seeds

      -Upon (suspected) infringement, seeds and harvest can be confiscated or destroyed, and farmer can face fines or jail time

      -2014 protests led to repeal of law (“Monsanto Law”) prohibiting farmers from reproducing patented seed varieties, arguing that the law violated Mayan communities’ right to the traditional cultivation of their land—victory, but farmers remaining vigilant in case these restrictions are reintroduced

    • Fungicides and Bactericides: no data

      Herbicides: no data

      Insecticides:  no data

  • Political Participation for the Right to Food

    Participation is one of the fundamental human rights principles, requiring that everyone has the right to participate in making decisions that affect them. In order to ensure that those most affected by violations to the right to food and nutrition participate in political processes, it is essential to have the legal and policy infrastructure within national frameworks, as well as the participatory spaces that give meaningful space for participation.

    • The Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala guarantees the right to adequate food, but only explicitly to minors and the elderly.

      Explicit protection of the right to adequate food in constitution:

      Artículo 51: “El Estado protegerá la salud física, mental y moral de los menores de edad y de los ancianos. Les garantizará su derecho a la alimentación, salud, educación y seguridad y previsión social.” 

      Implicit protection of the right to adequate food in constitution: Fundamental right to economic conditions that can guarantee a dignified existence

      Artículo 102: “Son derechos sociales mínimos que fundamentan la legislación del trabajo y la actividad de los tribunales y autoridades: 
      a) Derecho a la libre elección de trabajo y a condiciones económicas satisfactorias que garanticen el trabajador y a su familia una existencia digna.”

      Directive principles of state policy: Valorization and support of health and social assistance by state.

      Artículo 94: “El Estado velará por la salud y la asistencia social de todos los habitantes. Desarrollará, a través de sus instituciones, acciones de prevención, promoción, recuperación, rehabilitación, coordinación y las complementarias pertinentes a fin de procurarles el más completo bienestar físico, mental y social.” 

      Artículo 99: “El Estado velará porque la alimentación y nutrición de la población reúna los requisitos mínimos de salud. Las instituciones especializadas del Estado deberán coordinar sus acciones entre sí o con organismos internacionales dedicados a la salud, para lograr un sistema alimentario nacional efectivo.” 

      Artículo 119: “Son obligaciones fundamentales del Estado:
      d. Velar por la elevación del nivel de vida de todos los habitantes del país procurando el bienestar de la familia.”

      National status of international obligations: Preeminence of international human rights obligations in relation to domestic law

      Artículo 46: “Se establece el principio general de que en materia de derechos humanos, los tratados y convenciones aceptados y ratificados por Guatemala, tienen preeminencia sobre el derecho interno.” 

    • YES

      National Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SESAN) (Secretaría de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de la Presidencia de la República), recognized as a model for multi-sector, multi-stakeholder food and security governance in the Latin American region.

      -Mission: “Ser la institución responsable de la  coordinación, integración y monitoreo de intervenciones de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional entre sector público, sociedad y organismos de cooperación internacional para optimizar los esfuerzos y recursos, con el fin de lograr un mayor impacto en el país.” 

      -Strategic objectives: “combatir las enfermedades, garantizar la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente y fomentar una alianza mundial para el desarrollo, realizando labores de cooperación internacional, fomentando el cuidado del medio ambiente para garantizar una mejor alimentación y garantizando una alimentación balanceada y correcta en la población, lo cual desarrolla en hombres y mujeres un mejor nivel de salud.”


      National Zero Hunger Pact, part of 2012 “National Agenda for Change” and Zero Hunger Plan 2012-2016

      -Aims to reduce stunting by 10% among children ages 0-5 by 2015

      -Includes specific health interventions such as the promotion of breastfeeding and increased access to complementary foods, fortified food, and to health and nutrition services and counseling

      -Also includes programs that address the underlying causes of undernutrition, such as income generation opportunities, improved water and sanitation facilities, and increased access to education for women


    • -Claims that efforts to improve food security are fragmented, with competing efforts from various actors and institutions


      -US Government Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative, “Feed the Future”

      -Multiple USAID-funded programs: NutriSalud, FANTA, Rural Value Chains Project (RVCP), Food Security Focused on the 1,000 window of opportunity (SEGAMIL), & Western Highlands Program of Integrated Actions for Food Security and Nutrition (PAISANO)

      -Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), a global network to foster collaboration between national leaders, civil society, bilateral and multilateral organizations, donors, businesses, and researchers in order to improve nutrition.  Joined by Guatemala in 2010.
