• Non discrimination

    • Discrimination act: 2008

      • Promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

      Criminal Code 1999

  • Outcomes

    • 14%

  • People’s Sovereignty over natural resources

    • - Privatized varieties can be used to breed new ones

      - Privatization extends to similar pre existing varieties


    • Privatized Seeds:

      • Can’t harvest and sow them again
      • Cant harvest and gift them
      • Cant harvest and sell them
      • If infringed then seed, crop and harvest can be seized, destroyed
      • Fungicides and Bactericides: 0
      • Herbicides: 0
      • Insecticides: 0

      Year: 2013

      There has been a big drop to zero usage of pesticides since 2011 when it was 5.7, 4.6, 4.4 respectively

  • Political Participation for the Right to Food

    Participation is one of the fundamental human rights principles, requiring that everyone has the right to participate in making decisions that affect them. In order to ensure that those most affected by violations to the right to food and nutrition participate in political processes, it is essential to have the legal and policy infrastructure within national frameworks, as well as the participatory spaces that give meaningful space for participation.

    • Directive Principles that contribute to the realization of the right to adequate food

      Chapter 1 – Art.2:  ”The personal, economic and cultural welfare of the individual shall be fundamental aims of public activity. In particular, the public institutions shall secure the right to employment, housing and education, and shall promote social care and social security, as well as favourable conditions for good health.”

    • National Food Policy (bill in progress)

      • Historically a strong emphasis on the production side of agriculture and food policy.
      • Recognition of the potential vulnerability of the country’s food security due to climate change
      • Aim for the Swedish Food Strategy is to increase food production, within the framework of sustainable development.
      • Long term



      EU Common Agricultural Policy:

      Harmonised policy resting on two pillars:

      • Direct payments
      • Support for the environment and rural areas.